1945 Gardena Ave. Glendale, CA 91204

Our name really says it all about our car financial services.

Trust Auto Financial isn't just our name, it's the business we are proud of.

unsure which vehicle you are looking for? find it here

5 Days 17:07:09 Left
Toyota CAMRY
2 Days 21:23:23 Left
1997 Pontiac FIREBIRD
8 Days 03:03:41 Left
1998 Buick CENTURY
12 Days 07:26:39 Left
1998 Jeep WRANGLER
1 Day 04:00:34 Left
2 Days 11:10:33 Left
1998 Chevrolet S10 4X2 EXT LS
12 Days 07:41:34 Left
1955 Ford classic car for sale
11 Days 13:03:41 Left
1994 Eagle VISION TSI
1 Day 09:11:41 Left
1998 Chevrolet CAMARO
Auction page-We believe there is no other online public auto auction in the U.S. that is more willing to dedicate the attention and resources that you deserve, than Trust Auto Financial Auction. Online auto auctions are typically available only to car dealerships, which will put their financial status first. We aren't an auto dealership, and it means we will do whatever it takes to have the capacity and the capabilities to meet and exceed any cars online specifications that you may require. A good car auction does not just happen, it is created with honesty, integrity and good old-fashioned hard work. We have many car lots available for auction. We can also sell your car for you, up for auctions: and more! Each vehicle has a picture and more detailed information so that you can get a better idea of online cars you are bidding on, including the make and the model of the vehicle, the year it was made, the VIN code, the mileage and information on the title. It is always our goal to create a positive atmosphere for trust auto buyers and sellers, that promotes competitive, fair and open bidding. The positive atmosphere enables us to achieve fair market value for our online car sellers and honest value for our cars 4 sale buyers.